IFIC Spotlight Survey: American Consumer Perceptions of Sodium in the Diet

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The International Food Information Council (IFIC) commissioned an online survey among U.S. consumers to measure knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about sodium consumption. One thousand adults ages 18 years and older completed the online survey from March 7-9, 2024, and respondents were weighted to ensure proportional results.

Key findings include:

  • Half of Americans do not know how much sodium they consume each day. Estimates of sodium intake by the other half vary widely.
  • Nearly half of Americans say they do not know how much sodium is recommended to consume per day.
  • More than half of Americans say they are currently limiting sodium or are interested in doing so but have not yet taken action.
  • Improving overall health is the top motivator for limiting sodium intake. Consumer are also motivated because of a current health condition, a healthcare provider recommended it, and/or to reduce water retention.
  • Americans say packaged food delivers most of the their dietary sodium.
  • Nearly half of Americans report concern about their sodium intake.
  • Americans say they think more positively about a food or beverage promoted as low in sodium.
  • Among a subset of shoppers who check Nutrition Facts for sodium when grocery shopping, while comparing sodium content of two similar products, more than half say they would choose the lower sodium or healthier option.
  • Trust in sodium information sources is highest for medical or nursing professionals, health organizations, registered dietitians/nutritionists, and U.S. government agencies.